Utorrent spoofing removed?

Windows specific questions, problems.

Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Innomen »

Where is utorrent spoofing?

Let me guess...

You removed it. What's next? Sequential uploading?

Guess it's time to downgrade.
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Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Peter »

Chris already talked about his. Remvoing spoofing is a really good thing since finally I'll be able to use it on What.cd for example soon. If he'd keep it in the client, it'd ruin the possiblity that the masses will use it soon. (Since clients with spoofing are banned on every normal site.)

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Innomen »

But it's NOT a good thing because now it's going to be forced out for some other reason, probably the sequential downloading thing.

Masses of users should come second to the goal of the best BT client available, which this was.

But I know you can't talk sense into anyone.

For the record what was the last version with spoofing?

Update/Addition: I am tired of being treated like a child and having all my dangerous toys taken away just because I MIGHT use them improperly. It's pathetic and insulting. Not to mention counter productive. The logic behind the entire concept is flawed. It's like trying to make it impossible for an email client to send spam. By the end of your efforts you'd not be able to send email.

Very very disappointed.
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Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Peter »

"For the record what was the last version with spoofing?" < All version prior to 2.3.0

"I am tired of being treated like a child and having all my dangerous toys taken away" < Indeed. But what can I do? DDoS the what.cd site just because they are not mature enough to enable the client or what? They block almost _everything_. All I can use is crappy old buggy clients on Linux there (like rTorrent. No offense but it's got a huge load of open bugs, everyone knows about them, yet NO ONE fixes them. It's just dead, always been dead since 0.7.6 or so). Now, I'll maybe have a good client for this task on Linux, BSD.. which is just and would be awesome.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Kiyiko »

I am tired of being treated like a child and having all my dangerous toys taken away just because I MIGHT use them improperly.
It is not taking away a dangerous toy...
The program had spoofing options so you could use it on private trackers, which used to be the easiest option when the client was not "popular"

The BIGGEST reason this client is not allowed on private trackers, is because they will NEVER allow a client with an option to spoof.
With this change, there is a good chance for the client to be whitelisted on private trackers.

so what is the issue?

The client becomes legit and allowed on private trackers at the cost of a few weeks that it takes to get it whitelisted....

It is a step in the right direction.
how is this flawed logic?
Would you prefer the name of this client be blackened by this "forbidden" feature, and NEVER allowed on private sites?
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Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Peter »

Oh Kiyiko good to see you here too. :) (First I was like... hmm familiar name..)

Oh yeah I forgot...Welcome.
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Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Nemo »

The spoofing was handy indeed so you could use it at private trackers where they don't accept qBittorrent, im not using activaly private trackers but can understand the ones who do altough they could ban any client with spoof functions. Since most private trackers mostly allow known popular clients like uTorrent for example it could take a while till qBittorrent gets in their whitelist (with spoofing function it could take longer). Nobody is here childish, its the private trackers with their high priority to accept a new client :? .. I guess it needs a bit time, and by the way don't blame qBittorrent; no doubt its the Best alternative to uTorrent at the moment ;).

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Kiyiko »

[quote=""NeMo_0""]Since most private trackers mostly allow known popular clients like uTorrent for example it could take a while till qBittorrent gets in their whitelist (with spoofing function it could take longer). Nobody is here childish, its the private trackers with their high priority to accept a new client :? .. I guess it needs a bit time, and by the way don't blame qBittorrent; no doubt its the Best alternative to uTorrent at the moment ;).[/quote]

Private torrent clients do not want popular clients.
They want "good" clients.
The sites I am a part of banned azureus.vuze a few months ago because it is generally not a "good" client, even if it is popular.
and Like I said, with a spoofing option, it wont take longer to get whitelisted, it will just NEVER happen.

I am currently working with various trackers to get this client whitelisted, which some of them would be happy to do.
I don't think this client would be aimed at windows users, but many trackers are looking for great alternatives for *unix and osx.

I am working on getting this client whitelisted because I believe this client can be that "great alternative"
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Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Nemo »

True nice addon ;), differs per private tracker though with their own 'rules'. Atleast im happy that the spoofing is removed. Well I hope qBittorrent gets whitelisted as soon as possible at your favourite trackers, im using more often public instead private trackers so no problems for me :mrgreen: .

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by nevernow »

Hi guys, please let me jump in the conversation. I think removing the spoofing feature might help qbittorrent, but ultimately harms qbittorrent users. So, some trackers don't allow qb because "it's not a good client" (more like, we haven't found the time to test it or we don't know it exists) and some do so specifically because of the spoofing feature. In the first case, while qb wasn't officially allowed, people could still use it; now they can't, and chances for qb to be whitelisted aren't higher than before. The only potential benefit is for qb itself, in terms of public awareness.
In the second case, of course, there's a potential win-win situation where qb is eventually whitelisted and people can start using it again.

All in all, before 2.3.0 one could use qb on any tracker, even if it was forbidden. Now, one can only wait and hope for whitelisting. I agree the source of the problem lies in stupid tracker administrators, but I believe stupid people are better worked around than convinced.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Kiyiko »

qBittorrent has been whitelisted on what.cd
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Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Peter »

Great news. Hope they'll whitelist it on other trackers too.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by fridgey »

Just as an update, qbittorent has been whitelisted on the two other major priv trackers I use... removing spoofing did indeed have an impact.
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Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Nemo »

Great to hear that ;) !

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by fbar »

Ok, here goes my take on this. Short version: Wow, you really want to conform to whimsy admins now? Then prepare to remove sequential downloading too -- this feature is deemed harmful by some idiots (this is e.g. an official utorrent position). And after that, prepare to remove anything/do whatever else they would want you to. That's the cost of your client advertisement on their websites. Too bad it's not about the end-user anymore.

Longer version: There is always going to be an admin nazi who wouldn't allow QB no matter what. Removing useful features never helps. I won't be able to upgrade to 2.3+ any time soon, since some of the useful trackers (e.g. freshon.tv) still don't allow QB.

I guess this feature removal is supposed to aid wider QB recognition, but it may well backfire -- users will just switch to other clients since this one became broken. It's really sad to see you guys removing features and putting everyone under control of whimsy tracker owners. Some of them force you to rar everything compulsively (which serves no real purpose whatsoever), some of them state you can only use specific uTorrent version and nothing more, and so on and so on. I'm sure some of them will ban this client just because of the sequential feature, and a lot of them just won't care to include it at all. Now you've given them the control over our balls in exchange for their blessings and promotion.

Now the question: Is there another bittorrent client which can do sequential stuff? This is the only qb feature which makes this client unique. Once that gets removed too, I won't ever use it again. I already want to drop it, frankly -- looks like this client has just gone into politics (sorry guys).
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