qBittorrent Automatic script

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qBittorrent Automatic script

Post by C0nw0nk »

Hey everyone I have used qBittorrent for some time and It became a very tedious task trying to manage downloads and files inside of torrents so i made a automated script to do the job and decided to share it so others can enjoy it aswell as contribute to the community :) ENJOY!



qBittorrent Windows Automatic batch file command line script with many features

Script Features

Automatically delete completed torrents older than X number of days

Automatically delete torrents with no seeders

Automatically delete torrents that have never been seen completed

Automatically pause completed torrents to save bandwidth to stop seeding them

Automatically force start downloading torrents that have not completely downloaded

Automatically Fix for qBittorrent for torrents stuck infinitely at 99.X% when a torrent hits greater than >99% and it has infinite time remaining we need to force rechecking of the torrent to fix it

Automatically check torrents for blacklisted file types inside them and tell qBittorrent to not download these file types

blacklisted_filetypes=".exe .txt .text .nfo .jpg .bmp .ico .png .gif .torrent .url .lnk .link .diz .ini .xml .sql .cmd .bat .dll .py .vbs .reg .html .htm .db .thumb .readme Sample sample. padding_file"
Add your own to the list like powershell scripts etc that are junk files you do not want sneaking in inside of the torrents

https://github.com/C0nw0nk/qBittorrent/ ... md#L38-L40

Setup / Usage

qBittorrent WebUI Login is all you need to turn on / enable in your qBittorrent settings in order to use this script

https://github.com/C0nw0nk/qBittorrent/ ... bt.cmd#L10

Code: Select all

To run this Automatically open command prompt and RUN COMMAND PROMPT AS ADMINISTRATOR and use the following command : SCHTASKS /CREATE /SC HOURLY /TN "Cons qBittorrent Script" /RU "SYSTEM" /TR "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start /B "C:\qbt\qbt.cmd"

Any questions or contributions please feel free to make a pull request on github lets improve upon this :D
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Re: qBittorrent Automatic script

Post by Nemo »

Thanks for your input, greatly appreciated.

But I removed the donation addresses, this is not the right place to write them down. If someone is interested see his Github page/link.
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Re: qBittorrent Automatic script

Post by Peter »

Automatically pause completed torrents to save bandwidth to stop seeding them
Btw you can set 0.00 ratio in settings and it will automatically pause downloaded torrents.
To bypass this (Ie.: you still want to seed stuff), you can use Force Start.

Re: qBittorrent Automatic script

Post by Gsharkrip »

Im really confused, this is my first time using qbittorent. How do I use this?? I activated webui and looked and nothing there.
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