Two computers watching the same directory: where are my .torrents?

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Two computers watching the same directory: where are my .torrents?

Post by Struggle9568 »

I am running qbittorrent on two Windows 11 computers pointing to same Torrent, Download, and Temp directories on a NAS. I am running it on my main computer PC A, but I recently added the second PC, PC B, and want to completely migrate over. I am running a NAS to store the torrents, and PC A and PC B have access to this NAS.

There is some setting that is wrong. My torrent folder on the NAS was completely cleared out, except for many .fastresume files (why are those in there?). The only place that has my torrents is the AppData folder of Computer A. I copy and paste the contents of that directory into my Torrents folder and they are immediately removed, before they can be picked up by PC B. All my torrents have lost their names and are replaced with a GUID in the AppData of PC A. There are no torrents remaining on the NAS, but there are .fastresume files. I tried copying from A\AppData into B\AppData, but PC B did not pick them up.

My intent is to drop the torrents or magic link them into the Torrent directory on the NAS using PC A, and PC B will watch for changes to the NAS\Torrent folder and and download them, yet I could still play them back on A. I want the NAS\Torrents directory to be a single source of truth for PCA and PCB clients; I don't want any of those files touched, just opened, maybe copied.

I see some downsides, besides the torrents disappearing. PC A and PC B are watching the same Torrent and Download directories. They are watching NAS\Torrents and also saving a copy to the same directory. But this shouldn't be a problem as long as they aren't being moved, right?
Would I have a problem if the separate clients are trying to download the same file? Would there be some sort of corruption happening? A and B also share a NAS\Temp directory. Should I make separate Temp directories?

I feel either I am getting a little over my head with two clients sharing the same directories, or qbittorrent isn't meant to work this way. How would you do it?
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