Vital stats re: optimization settings

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Vital stats re: optimization settings

Post by enigmachrysalis »

My old laptop's mobo bricked, so I lost my setup that I've had for years... and any bookmarks I had for reference are ancient. Just so you know I searched, it seems the benchmarking tools from times past are outdated and the threads i found were solutions rather than an 'ultimate guide'. If I am wrong on either account, please let me know. So here are my specs according to this GitHub thread ... %27-issues:

Connection Speed
Down = 393 Mbps
Up = 24 Mbps

Version and Operating System
qBittorrent v4.6.6
OS Name: WIndows 11 Home
Version: 10.0.22631 Build 22631

qBittorrent Settings Information
Listening port = 52916 (Randomized)
Connections: Global maximum and per torrent = 500 & 100 (Default)
Upload slots: Global maximum and per torrent = 20 & 4 (Default)
Half-open connection value = N/A
Is uTP on or off? 'Peer connection protocol' = TCP & uTP
Rate limiting uTP? Check
Encryption on or off? = 'Allow encryption'
IPv6 on or off? Is this in Advanced Settings?
libtorrent version =
Connection status? = online
DHT node count = 299 nodes
Are you using a proxy or a VPN? No proxy, Yes VPN for public trackers

What type of user profile are you?
Do you seed more than download? or vice versa? I download more than I seed; my ratio is ~0.80
How many tasks do you expect to run on average? Between 6-10, at most a dozen.
Do you use the machine for other tasks simultaneous with BitTorrent downloads? Yes... no gaming but internet browsing and media consumption.
Are there other users on the LAN? No

I'd like to know the ideal Connection Limits and Global Limits (set at infinity default) for speed. I'm presuming the Torrent Queuing maximums are intuitive, i.e., the fewer the better, but any addvice is appreciated as well as any optimization settings outside this list.
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