
Windows specific questions, problems.

Re: 3.4.0

Post by Michel_Olski »

Not saying it cannot happen, just thinking what might have caused it.

- Did you check stats when uTorrent already had the file (so 0 dl) and was only seeding.
- Did you have a fast download speed with qBittorrent (hence, high ram use.)
- Did you have had a specific ram cache setup, I use 1GB on my PC, so that may be the issue.
- uTorrent may report usage differently (since it uses win32 api), but it shows "reality" in the bottom stat page.

(And of course, thank you for helping out with testing.)

I added the torrent to the qBittorrent first. There was no file for this torrent so it started from the beginning. I got high speed but not higher then in 3.3.15, actually the best speeds I got were in uTorrent.

I then deleted the file and started the same torrent in uTorrent and 3.3.15 the check how to behaves.
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Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:17 pm

Re: 3.4.0

Post by sledgehammer_999 »

I noticed that downloading a Big torrent (35GB) the 3.4 uses more then 600MB of RAM while uTorrent 2.2.1 (I guess you hate hearing that name) uses around 45MB. The difference is huge and that's with only one torrent added. On other machine I have a session with hundreds of them. I'm scared to even try upgrading it. On the other hand it seems to be quite stable. Not a single crash so far. It's also well translated which is always nice.

I think there is a change on how libtorrent interprets "auto" for cache size between 1.0.x and 1.1.x versions. Go to advanced settings and set it to something really conservative, like 15MiB and see what happens.

But the OS cache was enabled.
I thought that the "auto" setting works only when the OS cache is disabled and libtorrent handles that.

"Disk write cache size" and "Enable OS cache" are 2 different things.
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