Utorrent spoofing removed?

Windows specific questions, problems.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by nevernow »

Sequential downloading IS harmful. It clashes against the smart algorithms the bittorrent protocol is based on and worsens the health of swarms (sometimes fatally). While I wouldn't want it to disappear as an option, it should not be abused.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by fbar »

That's the point exactly. All it takes is an admin who thinks just a little bit stronger about it.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by nevernow »

I certainly dislike admins enjoying powertrips and using a pointless "guilty until proven innocent" approach towards clients, while not taking time to actually test them.
And I certainly find it legit to circumvent stupid rules (in life, not only in torrents).

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by christophe.dumez »

This was not an easy decision. I eventually decided to remove this workaround because it has an negative impact on qBittorrent reputation. Removing this feature already helped getting whitelisted on 2 private trackers (that I know about) and it will hopefully continue.

Regarding the sequential download feature, I'm aware of the official position on this matter. Note that qBittorrent never applies *strict* sequential download.
qBittorrent merely advises the piece picker to choose the first pieces first but the piece availability is still taken into consideration and the Bittorrent algorithm is still in place although altered. Just to say that it is not as bad as it seems. I did not receive complaints about this yet (hopefully I won't).

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by fbar »

[quote=""christophe.dumez""]Just to say that it is not as bad as it seems.[/quote]
It's not. On most private trackers the seed/leech ratio is so ridiculously high that the actual algorithms don't have any impact on the network whatsoever. The problem is in the heads of people. And it's not solvable -- the only way is work around it.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by fbar »

Ok, here's a simple patch to simulate uTorrent on qBitTorrent 2.4.4. Only use it if you need that bad. There's no option to choose versions etc - everything is hardcoded. This is dedicated to people like me who either has to use the older version, or not to be able to download stuff from some trackers otherwise.

Code: Select all

diff --git a/bittorrent.cpp b/bittorrent.cpp
index 1c51d1c..5c88038 100644
--- a/bittorrent.cpp
+++ b/bittorrent.cpp
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ Bittorrent::Bittorrent()
   // Creating Bittorrent session
   // Check if we should spoof utorrent
   QList<int> version;
-  version << VERSION_MAJOR;
-  version << VERSION_MINOR;
-  version << VERSION_BUGFIX;
-  version << VERSION_TYPE;
-  const QString peer_id = "qB";
+  version << 1;
+  version << 8;
+  version << 5;
+  version << 0;
+  const QString peer_id = "UT";
   // Construct session
   s = new session(fingerprint(peer_id.toLocal8Bit().constData(), version.at(0), version.at(1), version.at(2), version.at(3)), 0);
   std::cout << "Peer ID: " << fingerprint(peer_id.toLocal8Bit().constData(), version.at(0), version.at(1), version.at(2), version.at(3)).to_string() << std::endl;
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ void Bittorrent::configureSession() {
   // * Session settings
   session_settings sessionSettings;
-  sessionSettings.user_agent = "qBittorrent "VERSION;
+  sessionSettings.user_agent =  "uTorrent/1850(17414)";
   std::cout << "HTTP user agent is " << sessionSettings.user_agent << std::endl;
   addConsoleMessage(tr("HTTP user agent is %1").arg(misc::toQString(sessionSettings.user_agent)));

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by nevernow »

In version 2.5.0 beta1, you need to patch qbtsession.cpp in src/qtlibtorrent/ (again, hardcoded to uTorrent 1.8.5). Can't we just have the spoofing feature back? :evil:
I will take a look at 2.5.0 beta2, things seem to have changed again.

You can find the edited qbtsession.cpp file here: http://pastebin.ca/1972159

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by FlacMonkey »

Any spoofing feature once discovered being used by a member results in a ban without warning from any private tracker. Having an official release with an built-in spoofing feature is a reason enough for any private tracker not to allow such client. It is indeed a good thing for qBit not to have this feature anymore. Removing client spoofing resulted in qbit being allowed on several major private torrent sites. It's the only way to go to gain private trackers' trust and gain popularity. Often, starting a thread in private sites' forums or contacting staff will be enough to get them to add qbit to the clients whitelist. Qbit is a very neat little client that's perfectly reliable and works well and fast. Now there's no reason for it not to be allowed on private sites.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by nevernow »

This has already been discussed, but...

You see, we all know qB is a fair and good client, based on a well known third-party bittorrent library. There is no reason to blacklist it on any private tracker. The problem is most trackers have whitelists, not blacklists, and they're mostly unmaintained.

A client which allows spoofing may not be allowed on a tracker, but at least it will be used there. Removing the function locks out that client from the tracker until when (it could be never) lazy and/or power-tripping admins decide to allow it.

In a perfect world this wouldn't be an issue, but currently it is. All in all, a bittorrent client is a means to an end. The day I can't hack spoofing back into qB anymore and I'm forced to choose between abandoning qB or abandoning the private trackers I use, I will have no doubt.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by jedsmith2099 »

Say hello to everyone, please allow me to jump into the conversation. I think removing the spoofing feature may help qbittorrent, but in the end it will endanger the qbittorrent users.

Therefore, some followers do not allow qb because they are "not good customers" and some people do so because of forgery features. In the first case, while qb is not officially licensed, people can still use it.
And at the moment they are unable to do so and the chances of QB being allowed to be higher than before. The only possible benefit is qb in terms of public awareness.
In the second case, of course, there is a win-win situation where qb is finally allowed and people can start using it again.
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First of all, 2.3.0 can use qb with any tracker, even if it is prohibited. Right now we can only wait and wait for the whitelist. I agree with the source of the problem in the silly follow-up admin. But I believe that stupid people work better than they believe!
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Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by Peter »

Haha, sorry Jed but this thread is like almost 10 years old.
Since then, qBittorrent has been whitelisted on all and every major tracker - thanks to the removal of spoofing.

Re: Utorrent spoofing removed?

Post by bmn »

thanks to the removal of spoofing
Actually, thanks to the users who advocated for qB when devs sided with private trackers' operators. Personally I did so twice with 50% overall success. Not like I'm demanding a gratitude for asking not very friendly people to unban qB, but it would be nice to have as less anti-user client as possible. I mean people who are ok with anti-user behaviours have their mainline niche already and aren't planning to migrate.

But anyway, embedding client software version identity into peer_id field is pretty much pointless. No one benefits from that except Mainline Corp. while trackers and peers are only wasting CPU cycles on decoding obscure version info client/version (no kidding, Azureus was even trying to identify clients which "purposefully misidentify itself"). It also reduced the randomness of peer_id (which isn't cryptographically random already in most cases). Finally, it is super easy to forge whatever client/version we want.

So, all the waffle above is all about the fact what having an option spoofing never did any real harm, while completely removing (instead of, say, obsoleting and resetting to default in some release) this feature brought (a) a quite lot of glory to devs (b) service outage to users (c) smaller swarms to private trackers.
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