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Downloaded files in wrong order

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 10:06 pm
by Uamaioe
When I download a TV series qBittorrent used to put the episodes in the correct order in the download folder, now they are all over the place.

I must have messed around with something in the settings.

Please can anyone advise what I can do to rectify the issue


Re: Downloaded files in wrong order

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:30 am
by Peter
qBittorrent does not "order" your files, it just puts them there.
Your Operating System, such as Windows, Linux or Mac will decide how to sort them.
I'd recommend checking your file browser on your computer, see if you changed the sort order or something.

Maybe I misunderstood the request, if so, just elaborate/explain further please.

Re: Downloaded files in wrong order

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:39 pm
by Uamaioe
Thanks for your reply. My question is concerns when I download a TV series and it has say 10 episodes. Historically when I've completely downloaded all of the episodes they sit in the folder in the correct viewing order but recently they have become jumbled up in a weird order. Ep23 is first then ep18 etc...