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qBittorrent only works when VPN is on

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:42 pm
by Phantom1472
hey, so I use:

Windows 10 Pro N, Version 10.0.19045
qBittorrent v4.5.2

my VPN is: PIA
app version is: v3.1.1

This VPN app has a feature called "split tunnel" which is great because I can tell the app which programs should use the VPN and which shouldn't, but it seems my qBittorrent has become obsessed with the VPN, even when I tell the VPN to not include qBittorrent in the VPN traffic, I STILL USES THE VPN!

Even if I turn the split tunnel feature off, turn the VPN off, the qBittorrent client still wants to use the VPN so I get 0 traffic. Like I have 0 peer and 0 seeds... I don't get why the qBittorrent client would have any idea it needs to use the VPN connection if I turned it OFF... when I turn the VPN back on, suddenly all the peers and seeds come back and I get DL/UL speed again.

This is the case even if I turn the qBittorrent client off and on again. Still looks for the VPN connections and if it's off that there is no DL/UL traffic.

Even if I turn the entire computer off and on again.

Any ideas what might be happening? Is this a question for this forum or PIA support?


Re: qBittorrent only works when VPN is on

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:41 am
by unseen19

What are the NIC preferences inside QBT? didn't you selected in the option the VPN interface only?

Re: qBittorrent only works when VPN is on

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:04 pm
by Phantom1472
Well, I don't remember ever changing this setting, but this seems to be the cause of the problem...

Fixed now!
