forum software search restrictions

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forum software search restrictions

Post by dfarns321 »

I just tried to search for "make bittorrent default", because I have also have utorrent which opens (as the default) with every torrent link. But this silly forum software won't let me make that search because it has restricted the words make, default, and bittorrent as being "too common".

I'm sure I'm not the only person who finds this to be ridiculous and really anti productive. What search words are allowed in this draconian system?

Is it possible to reset the forum software search system so that normal human beings can use it?
Or is there a way to trick it so that common words will work?
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Re: forum software search restrictions

Post by Peter »

It was enabled so people can't search for "and" and crash our website & server due to generating insane loads just to troll us.
But, I disabled it. God forbid it ruins a life or two.

Anyway, there is no such topic.
Default depends on multiple things.
1) Windows - go into qBittorrent settings and right there, scroll down, and check associations.
2) Browser: You have to go into your browser settings - this depends on your browser - and you can find associations there.

Re: forum software search restrictions

Post by dfarns321 »

Thanks for the explanation, I'll try looking at the associations. BTW, the restriction is still enabled, I tried searching for "default" but it's still restricted.

Perhaps you could restrict a search for "änd" (as a standalone) to 100 results. But these general restrictions ruin the search function...I've run into them on other websites and I just don't use the search. So instead of finding an answer quickly and easily, I have to clog up the particular message board with my questions and then spend days waiting for a possible answer...which half the time is cliched and useless.
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