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Migrating to clean install

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:49 pm
by Wookie7
I am attempting to migrate my install from a qBittorrent 4.3.6 Flatpack install on Linux Mint 20 to a clean install of Linux Mint 21.3 with qBittorrent 4.6.0 installed from the .appimage. I am able to get the new install to recognize the migrated settings correctly but the active torrents are not being loaded correctly. I have only been able to load up a very old set of torrents which no longer exist.

I am not sure if the issue is from 4.3.6 not saving status correctly, or from me moving in the wrong set of data, or something else. The 4.3.6 versions shuts down and resumes correctly. The folder permissions are the same as I used 'rsync -a' and verified them.

If I understand correctly, the Flatpack stores data in:

Code: Select all

The .appimage install looks for settings in:

Code: Select all

and for the torrents and resume info in:

Code: Select all

In the older install, I have qBittorrent data here, too:

Code: Select all

which looks to be the same folder structure as in:

Code: Select all

I have tried moving the BT_backup folder contents from both places over with the same outcome of only old torrents being loaded or no data being loaded.

1-Is there a way to force qBittorrent 4.3.6 to generate current backup torrent info or a tool to migrate the data?
2-Am I looking in the correct locations for the torrent data?
3-Do I need to change folder permissions or ownership from defaults?

This is puzzling to me, so thanks for any help.