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"Copy .torrent files to folder" option broken?

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:28 pm
by jdelphiki99
The Short of it:
qbittorrent (windows 7) is set to download files to D:/Downloads and copy .torrent files to D:/Downloads/Torrents. D:/Downloads is set as a watchd folder. When I download a torrent (with firefox), whether I use 'open with qbittorrent' or save it to the downloads folder, the file goes to the right place, but the .torrent file appears to be deleted, rather than moved to D:/Downloads/Torrents. When I download the .torrent to a different folder and manually add it, the .torrent file remains in the location I downloaded it to, rather than being placed in D:/Downloads/Torrents.
Is this a bug or am I missing something? How can I get qbittorrent to move the .torrent files to the D:/Downloads/Torrents folder?

The Background:
I am dual booting windows and linux, and I'm sharing data between them on a seperate partition (which windows calls D:). In Windows my User/Downloads folder is on the D drive (along with My Documents, Pictures, etc.), and in linux my /home/user/downloads (and all the others) are bound to the same folder.  I use qbittorrent in both OSes. Since I'm an ethical person, I like to seed files in addition to leeching. I'd like to be able to seed all the files that I've torrented from either OS, regardless of which OS I originally downloaded them in.

Here was my idea: it is my (confirmed) understanding that when you download a .torrent file to a watched folder, it will download the file to your set download location, unless the 'download here' checkbox is unchecked. So I thought that, in both OSes, I would copy torrent files to the D:/Downloads/Torrents/ folder AND watch that folder. So when I boot into Windows after torrenting a file in linux, qbittorrent-win will check my D:/Downloads/Torrents folder, see the torrent file, add it, and begin seeding.

Unfortunately, my .torrent files aren't copying to that folder, so I'm out of luck at the moment. Any thoughts?

Re: "Copy .torrent files to folder" option broken?

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:47 pm
by sledgehammer_999
Probably a bug. Please open a bug report at so I can track this. Otherwise, I'll forget about it.
So when I boot into Windows after torrenting a file in linux, qbittorrent-win will check my D:/Downloads/Torrents folder, see the torrent file, add it, and begin seeding.
But you haven't set D:/Downloads/Torrents as a watched folder... qbittorrent will not pick up those torrents. Also you'll probably need to hash recheck too when switching OSes...

Re: "Copy .torrent files to folder" option broken?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:04 pm
by jdelphiki99
But you haven't set D:/Downloads/Torrents as a watched folder... qbittorrent will not pick up those torrents. Also you'll probably need to hash recheck too when switching OSes...

I have set the folder to watched. I get the same results when it's not watched, though; I figured it was extraneous information. Filing a bug report now.

Re: "Copy .torrent files to folder" option broken?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:24 pm
by jdelphiki99
Done. issue 912.

Re: "Copy .torrent files to folder" option broken?

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:58 pm
by jdelphiki99
After some little playing around with it, I realized the cause of the bug is that the D:/Downloads/Torrents folder is ALSO watched. If I do not watch that folder, the .torrent files are correctly copied into that folder.