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Has anybody noticed that ...

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:43 pm
by ciaobaby
... ... When you go searching for anything *nix related that is a 'bit off' the usual course of things, you have to piece together bits of information from several different sources, as there never seems to be everything you might need to know in one place.

Then of course there is "StackOverflow"  where it seems that if anyone asks a question, there has to be three posts telling the TS why they should not be doing that in the first place, followed by one post giving half a solution, then the first three jump back in, berating the one poster who tried to help.

Re: Has anybody noticed that ...

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:35 am
by jackboy
I like using linux, but when I need to get shit down, I use windows, because I will always find a complete solution instead of a bunch of people telling me I should learn bash, I shouldn't do that, here's part of the solution, etc.