Tested for Bittorrent/uTorrent clients (version 3+) and qBittorrent (4.2+) versions.
- Processing all torrents
- Processing torrents with subdirectories and without subdirectories
- Processing torrents with renamed files
- Processing torrents with non-standard encodings (for example, cp1251)
- Processing of torrents in the not ready state *
- Processing modified torrent names
- Save date, metrics, status. **
- Import of tags and labels
- Multithreading
- Path replace mechanism
* If you migrate from windows to linux and use replace function attention that multiple flags -r processing one by one
* If you migrate from windows to linux and yours torrent files saves to some place you must use flag --search with actual paths in yours system
* If you migrate from windows to linux you may need to define path separathor with --sep flag
** The calculation of the completed parts is based only on the priority of the files in torrent. Don't transfer global uTorrent/BitTorrent statistics.
*** Partially downloaded torrents will be visible as 100% completed, but in fact you will need to do a rehash. Without rehash torrents not will be valid. This is due to the fact that conversion of .dat files in which parts of objects are stored is not implemented.
Don't forget before use make backup bittorrent\utorrent, qbittorrent folder. and config %APPDATA%/Roaming/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.ini. Close all this program before.
If you MacOs user or Linux user don't forget to make the file executable:
Code: Select all
$ chmod +x bt2qbt_v1.3_amd64_macos
Code: Select all
C:\Users\user\Downloads\bt2qbt_v1.9_amd64.exe [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-s, --source= Source directory that contains resume.dat and torrents
files (default:
-d, --destination= Destination directory BT_backup (as default) (default:
-c, --config= qBittorrent config file (for write tags) (default:
--without-labels Do not export/import labels
--without-tags Do not export/import tags
-t, --search= Additional search path for torrents files
Example: --search='/mnt/olddisk/savedtorrents'
-r, --replace= Replace paths.
Delimiter for from/to is comma - ,
Example: -r "D:\films,/home/user/films" -r
--sep= Default path separator that will use in all paths. You
may need use this flag if you migrating from windows to
linux in some cases (default: \)
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Code: Select all
It will be performed processing from directory C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\ to directory C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\qBittorrent\BT_backup\
Check that the qBittorrent is turned off and the directory C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\qBittorrent\BT_backup\ and config C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\qBittorrent\qBittorrent.ini is backed up.
Press Enter to start
1/2 Sucessfully imported 1.torrent
2/2 Sucessfully imported 2.torrent
Press Enter to exit
Code: Select all
C:\Users\user\Downloads> .\bt2qbt_v1.3_amd64.exe -s C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent\
It will be performed processing from directory C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent\ to directory C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\qBittorrent\BT_backup\
Check that the qBittorrent is turned off and the directory C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\qBittorrent\BT_backup\ is backed up.
Press Enter to start
1/3233 Sucessfully imported 1.torrent
2/3233 Sucessfully imported 2.torrent
3/3233 Sucessfully imported 3.torrent
3231/3233 Sucessfully imported 3231.torrent
3232/3233 Sucessfully imported 3232.torrent
3233/3233 Sucessfully imported 3233.torrent
Press Enter to exit
- Unknown
Code: https://github.com/rumanzo/bt2qbt/blob/master/bt2qbt.go
Releases: https://github.com/rumanzo/bt2qbt/releases
Deluge branch:
Here's the project: https://github.com/rumanzo/deluge2qbt
code: https://github.com/rumanzo/deluge2qbt/b ... uge2qbt.go
Releases: https://github.com/rumanzo/deluge2qbt/releases
If there are any errors or if it help you - write there