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Having trouble with Labels

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:35 pm
by LoneWolf
I am trying to setup Sickgear to work with qBittorrent. I have version 4.2.1 (64 bit) for Windows 10 of QB. I am getting the following errors in my sickgear log:

qBittorrent: Unable to set the label for torrent
qBittorrent: Unable to set priority for torrent

I appear to be able to right click on a torrent in the QB client and add a label. Is there some permission or something else that Sickgear would need to be able to do this? Sickgear does have the QB username and password and a test inside SG says it can access QB.

Just wondering what the next step is to troubleshoot this issue.

Thanks in advance!