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Just in case you guys haven't heard...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:21 am
by Arrow189
From a recent announcement on the official utorrent forums:

The next major change you will see is a fresh approach to creating a no-nonsense and free torrenting experience.  You are all very familiar with how we have paid the bills so far.  These new changes mark our next step towards finding that difficult balance between keeping our lights on and providing a positive user experience.  This new build will display a featured torrent at the top of your torrent list.  This featured torrent space will be used to offer a variety of different types of content.  We are working towards bringing you offers that are relevant to you.  This means films, games, music, software...basically anything that you will find interesting.  We may not get it right on the first try but we will continue to improve our efforts based on your feedback.

Your chief competitor just slapped its users in the face by announcing it will be turning into adware. The bloated, insecure, internet explorer-based app store bullshit was bad enough, but now you're going to have utorrent users flocking away in droves.

Re: Juust in case you guys haven't heard...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:53 pm
by Nemo
Interesting.. Since version 3.0 (or even earlier after sold out) it slowly started to become more bloated and bugs appeared that hasn't been fixed or whatsover till their current 3.1.3 and now announcing that they will go with even more ads and bloat that the users don't want/need/can't disable/forced to see? uTorrent is done period, only one option is to use older versions or updated clients like qBittorrent; thats what I should do atleast. The same is happened with Azureus also going with Vuze and lost their crown to uTorrent, now uTorrent wants to get rid of their crown by going this way. I can say that I love qBittorrent now even more and more. Thanks for the article and welcome :). Btw I lol'ed after seeing all those comments from people who only register to say goodbye  :P..

Re: Juust in case you guys haven't heard...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:39 pm
by loki
I wonder if there's any way for the original author of utorrent to take back "his" version and continue work on it, assuming he is against the current direction the software has gone since he sold out.

Re: Juust in case you guys haven't heard...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:55 pm
by Dayman
Interesting.. Since version 3.0 (or even earlier after sold out) it slowly started to become more bloated and bugs appeared that hasn't been fixed or whatsover till their current 3.1.3 and now announcing that they will go with even more ads and bloat that the users don't want/need/can't disable/forced to see? uTorrent is done period, only one option is to use older versions or updated clients like qBittorrent; thats what I should do atleast. The same is happened with Azureus also going with Vuze and lost their crown to uTorrent, now uTorrent wants to get rid of their crown by going this way. I can say that I love qBittorrent now even more and more. Thanks for the article and welcome :). Btw I lol'ed after seeing all those comments from people who only register to say goodbye  :P..
Yup. uT v2 (for udp trackers) is enough. v3 has a crapload of stuff: devices, player, featured downloads or whatever. Also: disk overload. 1GB manual cache override? Yes please!
I wonder if there's any way for the original author of utorrent to take back "his" version and continue work on it, assuming he is against the current direction the software has gone since he sold out.
I doubt that.