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Peers not connecting

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 11:55 pm
by sharonS430
I do not understand why I can have 20+ peers showing for a completed file and none connect. Right now I have 7 files trying to download and 12 seeding. I have 3 seeding that show over 20 peers and none of them will connect. My global rate limit is 200KB for upload.
Why won't qBittorrent connect to these?

Since that screenshot, I am uploading only 65K/200K (to only one user) and 6 of the files have 30 - 70 peers showing. I am trying to be a longer source than just a 1 or 2 ratio (shooting for 3+ before withdrawing the file, but cannot seem to connect)
How do I increase my uploads?
How can I connect and upload to these peers?
A am relatively new to torrents so not familiar with a lot of jargon, so please plain English for a non techie :)
Windows10, qBittorent v4.4.0

Screenshot 2022-02-04 215635.png