qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

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qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

Post by DasFox »

One let me first say to everyone qBittorrent is GREAT!

Hats off to everyone, you all do a GREAT job!

I just want to share some suggestions since I'm a PC geek and I've been around for many years and I know software and art in software pretty good.

1. The marble icons for qBittorrent are an old style that has been around since 2002 and possibly a few years older. Here's one link I know of showing the marble icon look for KDE dating back to 2002:

http://kde-look.org/content/search.php? ... =99&page=2

The symbols inside the marbles are nice, so I suggest if you like the look of these take them out of the marbles and only put the symbols on qBittorent, also the same thing with the icons under the 'Transfers' tab, remove the boxes and just use the symbols and arrows, with all the boxes and circles and colors going on, it's to busy looking, need to simplify it and clean it up.

2. I noticed when a download a torrent you see it in green text and when you seed the text in orange, I think this should just be black text for both that is highlighted to white when you click the torrent.

Last edited by DasFox on Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look

Post by Peter »

There is a good experience about this. NEVER mix developers with designers. :) Just check out linux.com T-shirt contest, Debian CD contest, whatever. Whenever a dev tries to create a design the world starts to break down. ^^^

Guess the team will need some designers.. beats me.

Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look

Post by DasFox »

Mateusz Tobo?a does the artwork listed on this page:

http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/q ... nt_artwork

So I would of thought he did the artwork for the GUI too.

If not then we need to have him remake the artwork in the GUI.

Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look

Post by DasFox »

Ahhh I just compiled 2.3.0rc2 in Slackware 13.1 and I see that even for Linux you can only change the 'Visual Styles' in the Options.

So does this mean that qBittorrrent can only change the styles that are built into it and we can't download and install our own like you can with any other KDE/QT, using other KDE/QT themes?


Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look

Post by christophe.dumez »

There is no style "built" into qBittorrent. Only the icons are built into qBittorrent right now and somebody is working on this (use the system icons as much as possible).

The styles displayed in qBittorrent are the ones installed on the system for Qt. If a new style is available, it will show up in qBittorrent options. For example, if you install KDE4, an Oxygen style will show up.

Personnally, I like the style of qBittorrent. What don't you like exactly? the icons?
The icons ARE made by Mateusz Tobola BTW.

Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look

Post by DasFox »

[quote=""christophe.dumez""]There is no style "built" into qBittorrent. Only the icons are built into qBittorrent right now and somebody is working on this (use the system icons as much as possible).

The styles displayed in qBittorrent are the ones installed on the system for Qt. If a new style is available, it will show up in qBittorrent options. For example, if you install KDE4, an Oxygen style will show up.

Personnally, I like the style of qBittorrent. What don't you like exactly? the icons?
The icons ARE made by Mateusz Tobola BTW.[/quote]

What do you mean the styles are not built in? In the Windows client they are: (Visual Styles - Motif, CDE, Plastique and Clearlooks)

This is what I'm talking about you only have these looks to change and there are I believe two for XP I forgot the names.

This 'Visual Styles' is what I'm talking about which looks to be pretty built in.

The marble icons are a look that has been around for 8-10 years, it's just an old look that came and went that was never popular. It just looks old and outdated and qBittorrent is such a great application, someone needs to make some modern looking icons for it. Plus the 'Transfers' tab icons, as boxes, then the marble icons, to many contrasts, squares and circles and to many colors going on, to busy, to loud. Under the 'Transfers' tab they should just be symbols and the same for the main window, no boxes just symbols.

Also the orange color text, when either downloading or seeding, the text should just be all black and changes to white when you click on a torrent.

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Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look

Post by Peter »

Those styles are Qt styles. I don't know if custom themes would work on Windows flawless (like the ones from kde-looks.org)

Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look

Post by DasFox »

[quote=""shiki""]Those styles are Qt styles. I don't know if custom themes would work on Windows flawless (like the ones from kde-looks.org)[/quote]

Well were the QT styles that are in the Windows version modified to work under Windows? If not then other QT styles should work like, Phase, Bespin, etc...

Ok well if the QT styles are going to be locked into Windows then so be it, but at least the icons can be changed and that orange text back to black.

Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

Post by DasFox »

Hi christophe.dumez,

So how is the new look coming along, you talked about last year new icons and I see nothing yet... :(

I think qBittorrent is a nice app but there is just to much color overload going on hehe...

So what does everyone say, can we get a cleaner, more modern look without all the colors?

Or maybe not building in the icons so if we use an icon set it can change to that?

I personally use AwOken icons...

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Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

Post by Nemo »

Well for me its all good. Using current original look and have no problems with it. Im never been someone who wants complete change of the look but always open for more better, modern or improved look of current things. It could use other icons or skins but not too much of change, my opinion :).

Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

Post by res0r9lm »

I made a few modifications to skin and left the rest as is using system icons and qt GTK+ style


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Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

Post by qmax »

I made a few modifications to skin and left the rest as is using system icons and qt GTK+ style


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

That looks awesome! So much better than the defaults icons.

Does anyone know how I can change the icons in the windows binary?

I tried resource hacker but it doesnt support the format Qt uses to store png resources...

Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

Post by Dissentient »

I wanted to create a thread about this but found this one instead so I decided bump it.
qBittorrent is the best torrent client nowadays and old-looking UI really hurts its image.

Would it be hard to make UI fit Windows 7/8 style and replace icons with more minimalistic-looking ones?

Also, dynamic tray icon with current state (idle, downloading, seeding) would be nice.

Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

Post by Onemoar »

yea the UI could use some cleaning up and some slight modernization it looks pretty dated how about some more gtk themes
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Re: qBittorrent Needs A More Modern Look - What Do You Think?

Post by sledgehammer_999 »

On Windows XP it looks great. I don't know how it looks on Vista/7/8. Can anyone provide screens?