Friends don't let friends use morons to move files

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Friends don't let friends use morons to move files

Post by QuinnQuasar »


Has anyone else found that letting qbittorrent move files is one of life's most regrettable decisions?

It's slow, it seems to allocate out the entire file size, it doesn't give a progress update, the order of moving isn't visible and appears arbitrary. In the many hours while it seems to be copying file between media I've had a chance to contemplate if most qbittorrent developers are inbreed. Who implements something this awful? Why not let users do the things like move the files if you can't get it right? Let them have some break points between moving a partial download/rechecking and resuming after a move? It seems to be an example of trying too hard to be smart and ultimately being very stupid.

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Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2023 4:48 pm

Re: Friends don't let friends use morons to move files

Post by harryb382003 »

It is certainly for for the person in a hurry. lol
More like tell it to do it and then just walk away.

Often times I have done it and then just moved the files manually in Finder (Mac user here) while it is still trying to move the files. It doesn't seem to care much about that and rechecks at the end anyways.

But yeah, you're right. It does seem to be suffering from a bit of trying too hard.
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