Not Downloading the Begining Parts First, is it possible?

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Not Downloading the Begining Parts First, is it possible?

Post by pootz »

I released my qBittorrent always downloads the beginning parts first like an http download, is it possible to download whatever parts it comes first?

For example, if I'm downloading a video file the beginnings parts are downloaded first, that way I can preview the file, but sometimes I feel it slows the download (Specially for very big torrents files). For the .rar files torrents the beginning parts are also downloaded like that.

I tried to search documentation and the program settings, but I couldn't find anything that seems to change this behavior.

Maybe, I'm wrong, and the speed wouldn't change, but I just I'd like to test it.
I remember utorrent 2.x I used years ago, didn't download like that.

Thanks in advance.
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