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Post by Peter »

I started up my second box which runs uTorrent. Ads literally _everywhere_.
Could live with like ONE ad, but there is a top one too which looks like my torrents.

(Yes, the F letter word.)

Time to go qBittorrent!
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Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by Nemo »

It follows the same path as Azureus (now Vuze) and to be honest I used uTorrent a lot but stopped at 3.0 when I found qBittorrent. Many would say ''You can use the old versions instead'' which is true cause 2.2.1 still works good no doubt, but going till 1.6.1 is a bit too old (not saying it wouldn't work offcourse). Personally I prefer a client that is up to date. And being open source is a big plus in my eyes for many people.

Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by ironcross »

I don't know the current uTorrent look. I abandoned it long time before v.3. There was some problem with Win7 - the process still works after closing the program. You must terminate it manually. They didn't fix it soon, so i removed uTorrent and started to use Halite - very good torrent client, no bullshits, but too slow development. And then qBittorrent.
Vuze is full of useless bullshits.
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Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by Nemo »

I forgot about Halite indeed! Good and solid client at that time based on libtorrent also but too bad the project is good as dead right now.

Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by Avelon »

I've just recently abandoned uTorrent due to their shift in advertisement and I've used uTorrent ever since. There were others I tried, like Azureus, but it's appearance didn't get my positive attention. And it was huge in terms of CPU usage for what it's worth. On OS X I've used Transmission. Simply, well, because there wasn't an uTorrent client back then.
I like to 'choose' my ads. I use an AdBlocker for surfing. Things that I consider worthy get my passive support with their ads turned on, being an exception to the list. Actually, I liked uTorrent, but they took away the freedom of choice. Now the only freedom within my constellation is to downgrade to older versions. 2.2.1 has some problems with magnet links. I couldn't get them to work. No matter which tip or trick I tried, it failed.

After doing some research, I came up with Deluge and qBittorrent. Conditions: Low footprint.
Deluge was more of a joy for my eyes than qBittorent, but even in idle mode Deluge consumed more CPU then qBittorrent. The choice was made and I'm happy with the tiny, little client.
Sadly I'm not a coder, so my only contribution can be to offer better translation and/or to make a donation. Let's use it for a while and see how the results are. I'm sure to donate ^.^ (and, actually, working on a new german translation)
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Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by Nemo »

Not to give this old topic a new live but.. If you thought it couldn´t be worser then you didn´t see v3.4 yet. First you need to be careful of what you´re installing right at the start to avoid crap, after that when all that finally is over the main menu opens with browser type information window. Bittorrent labs feature build in, Facebook and Twitter icons that you can´t get rid of.. So many other crap and bloat build into it and still growing.

I have used v2.2.1 before too for a while cause qBittorrent wasn't accepted with every private trackers but now permanently using qBittorrent only. Im not a fan of using outdated software either.
Last edited by Nemo on Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by ciaobaby »

Im not a fan of using outdated software either.
Why does it matter if it does what you need it to do?
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Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by Nemo »

ciaobaby wrote:
Im not a fan of using outdated software either.
Why does it matter if it does what you need it to do?
I know your name from uTorrent forums and its great to see you here, welcome :).

When I saw an update from uTorrent, v3.4 RC, I thought ''Hmm.. lets see how it is right now''. So out of curiousity I installed this carefully on my laptop without missing any bloat right at the installation. Started up.. I was shocked. Adds everywhere, Twitter, Facebook and now Bittorrent Labs! After few seconds I closed it, uninstalled right away and deleted everything related to this crap. Why would someone use this? Sure you can disable or turn off a few things to improve a little bit but thats not the point, the point is that all the crap is already build in. Just taking a look at the uTorrent forums under the v3.4 RC release says enough what people think. I would say the same like you say: So I guess RC actually means Really Crap :D. Seriously, if you really want to use uTorrent and nothing else don't go higher than v2.2.1. At that point I wouldn't care if its outdated.

I know that uTorrent v2.2.1 is still rock solid and ''it will do what I need it to do'', I have no doubts. But thats no reason to not use qBittorrent, atleast for me.

For a P2P program that is running daily I think its important to keep things up to date if its possible or use the latest version. In this case its different; what you say is right (about uTorrent v2.2.1), it works good atleast much better than the whole v3 tree but qBittorrent works too and it is up to date and still being worked on. So I personally don't want to use an old client instead qBittorrent while it performs the same or even better in my opinion. Plus its Open Source, not saying that all Open Source projects are superb and flawless but atleast you know that qBittorrent is clean. Of course there are things that needs to be improved or added which is being worked on.

I've used uTorrent too in the past and loved it till v2.2.1 but after that it went the wrong way. I have been using this old version for about a year extra cause I didn't wanted to upgrade to v3.0 (or higher). From that moment when I found qBittorrent (after testing Halite) I switched and being using it since then. But at that moment it was not allowed on few private trackers but right now it is so I see no reason of using v2.2.1 anymore. I still got it installed on my system as a backup for if something goes wrong with qBittorrent but haven't started uTorrent to actually use it since.. I don't know when :P.
Last edited by Nemo on Tue Dec 24, 2013 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by ciaobaby »

I tested Halite for several weeks, found that it tends to hog resources and crash on a fairly reqular basis if it is running 24/7.

Baretorrent shows promise but needs a lot of work to be "mainstream".
Hadouken needs too much TLC to install and get running to make it really usable.

qBT is at the moment the best of a fairly poor bunch with Windows BitTorrent clients, but needs to avoid the BitTorrent style "rush to nowhere" in releasing builds that are causing more problems that they fix.
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Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by Nemo »

Well said, I agree :). Well my personal favourites at the moment would be:

1. qBittorrent, definitly on top of the food chain. Nothing to say about it. Maybe a few improvments like any other program out there which is normal.
2. Azureus, all that Vuze crap disabled of course, but still is resource hungry in my opinion. Even if you have 16-32GB of RAM that doesn't mean that it should use too much.
3. uTorrent (v2.2.1, not higher), if im really desperate and there is nothing better to use. More as a backup, but its not needed for now (or never :P).
Last edited by Nemo on Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by Starshine »

Yeah qBittorrent is top of the league at the moment.

The only thing I am missing is the cute little icons that Deluge uses in the labels    - a differentiation between different private trackers.
But Deluge is not suitable on Windows - it runs in some VM and is rather terrible.

uBittorrent has sold out and is commercial junk. Vuze is bloated.

Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by bwat47 »

Yeah qBittorrent is top of the league at the moment.

The only thing I am missing is the cute little icons that Deluge uses in the labels    - a differentiation between different private trackers.
But Deluge is not suitable on Windows - it runs in some VM and is rather terrible.

uBittorrent has sold out and is commercial junk. Vuze is bloated.

Yeah I recently tried deluge on windows. its....not good. The GTK UI appears to have a nasty memory leak, and it uses a crapload of cpu just idling too (like 6-18% on my i5), vs qbittorrent which uses like 24mb of ram and 0-1% cpu usage when idle on my machine.

I do think it would be nice if qbittorrent took some ques from deluge's interface though, it does have some nice little things like the tracker icons etc... that I'd love to see in qbitorrent.
Last edited by bwat47 on Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by sledgehammer_999 »

I think a visual touch up is in order for v3.2.0. (I don't have an ETA though)
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Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by Nemo »

Lets give this old topic a new life.

I saw that uTorrent 3.4 (and 3.4.1 beta) has been released. Out of curiousity I have installed 3.4 to see how it is right now.

A short copy about this release with the new ''feature'':
3.4 is an exciting release for the uTorrent team.

3.4 is the first version to include a major change in the way that uTorrent chooses peers in a swarm. Designed by our own Arvid Norberg, Canonical Peer Priority is a way to help peers connect to the swarm faster, as well as reduce the average hop length from you to any other peer in the swarm.

When a bittorrent client joins a swarm, it needs a way to select which peers it connects to. If it chooses poorly, or if there are malicious actors in the swarm, the connections between clients are not well distributed through the swarm, leading to a large number of hops from node to node. That slows down the ability to each client to pass data on to the next.
For detailed explanation of it: http://blog.libtorrent.org/2012/12/swarm-connectivity/

After my tests with few torrents I have seen nothing special about this, I wasn't expecting anything special either. There are people who think that it can have negative effect on them, especially people with low internet speeds. Im not so sure about this.

The exe file is a bit bigger again, who knows why. Its still small but im wondering why. Lets go to the installation. Right at the start of the installation process you need to be careful to not install any malicious software (malware/adware?) that you don't want/need. When you succesfully survive the installation process the main window opens.. And what you see there is with one word bloat. Plus upsell, ads, bundles and a new one Bittorrent labs. Those are the first things that you see and want to get rid of it as fast as possible. I've digged into the advanced settings and disabled alot of settings till it was clean and neat but the Facebook and Twitter icons stays there forever now. If that wasn't enough you also see the Labs icon nexto it. Why? Does everyone loves to visit their pages? Im definitly not.

I've loaded up 2 torrents (1,5GB and 50MB one) and downloaded one by one. As I said earlier I didn't experienced anything from the new priority thing. If you set up your client right it should always work anyway so thats what I did and it worked good enough. The CPU usage has been increased a bit while running. After 30mins+- I have uninstalled it, cause I have seen enough. I fired up qBittorrent and was rolling again.

Few notes:
Releasing alot of builds without any changelogs..?
Builds that aren't working properly, being released without checking first before releasing.
Bugs that still not being fixed since v3 release (only got more).
Bloat that has been increased (to earn more for their developers, they say). You can disable most of them but thats not the point (if you know what I mean).
Facebook/Twitter icons stays forever now + newly Bittorrent Labs icon also added
Many private trackers have stopped the support of using v3.3.1/2 and higher, cause of the empty changelogs or bad seeding behaviours.

I can go on making a list really.

uTorrent doesn't give me the feeling of trust. This trust went down when they decided to work with Bittorrent.inc and now its even lower. With qBittorrent im feeling very good, great community and always in touch with our developers. Im helping with the translations also so some of my effort is being used by others too which is great. Open Source is also a big plus (while not all Open Source projects are good most are *kuch* Vuze *kuch, without Vuze crap it would be much better and lighter).

These are my opinions and what I think about it. Of course everyone is welcome to share his opinion.

EDIT: My 500th post w00t ;D!
Last edited by Nemo on Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: uTorrent - OH GOD THE ADS! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!11

Post by sledgehammer_999 »

I don't know what is Arvid Norberg's relationship with utorrent but don't forget he is also the author of libtorrent. Libtorrent is the backend of qbt.
While his article 'Canonical Peer Priority' is a bit old, I don't know if he has implemented it in the 0.16.x or this functionality is in the 1.0.x series.
Also, as far as I can tell this 'Canonical Peer Priority' thing depends highly on the support of clients. If clients don't support it you will not see any benefit. Furthermore, all it does is try to find you the best possible peers as fast as possible. But if the swarm is already good enough you won't see any measurable difference in my **amateur** opinion.

EDIT: The forum doesn't seem to like non-latin chars.
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