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Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:15 pm
by sledgehammer_999
Do your torrents have web seeds/http sources? (select your torrent and click the "http sources" button next to "content" button)

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:18 pm
by fusk
No, none of them do.

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:35 pm
by sledgehammer_999
Hmm, the other possible explanation for the http* related function is that some http tracker is sending bad responses.
I'll forward this to libtorrent.

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:40 pm
by sledgehammer_999

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:04 pm
by fusk
The good thing is that we made progress, i think.

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:29 pm
by sledgehammer_999
I have 2 new installers build with the gcc compiler. I want you to try the first one first and IF it crashes try the second one.
1. ... _setup.exe
2. ... _setup.exe

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:49 pm
by fusk
I don't know what that means, but whatever you're cooking i'll give it a try. First one is installed.
Btw, what does he mean by "ran out of memory" ?

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:20 am
by sledgehammer_999
The official 3.1.9 is build with the MSVC compiler. But the 2 installers I linked above are built using the mingw/gcc compiler. The first one has libtorrent unmodified and the second one has it modified. But because I used different compilers I want you to confirm that the crash happens with this compiler too BEFORE trying out the second build which contains the patch.
Btw, what does he mean by "ran out of memory" ?
It means that libtorrent requested the OS to allocate to it some new memory and the OS refused because it didn't have more memory to give. (Here memory = RAM).

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:34 am
by sledgehammer_999
Don't use the second one. arvid updated the patch. I'll provide a new build soon.

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:48 am
by sledgehammer_999
Ok here is the new patched version: ... _setup.exe

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:36 pm
by fusk
Ok, installed it.
I see, so libtorrent failed to handle the refusel from the OS when requesting more memory, and crashed. But do you have an idea why the OS would refuse with "don't have any to spare" when that is not the case ?
qbit is set to 2000mb, and i have 8gb installed. I rarely see qbit use more than 1.4gb, my total rarely hits more than 6gb used.

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:45 pm
by fusk
Just got I/O error not enough space. qbit had about 1.3gb cache in use, and about 1.6gb used in taskmanager for a total of about 5.5gb used. But, it didn't crash.
Edit: Just had another one, it also survived, resumed torrent.
This is from less than a min before the I/O error.


Edit: Ok now it crashed, but not "runtime error" just exe stopped responding. Total qbit memory usage a little over 1.8gb

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:08 pm
by ciaobaby
qbit is set to 2000mb, and i have 8gb installed. I rarely see qbit use more than 1.4gb, my total rarely hits more than 6gb used.
  qBT is a 32bit application and CANNOT address more than 2GiB of memory (~1800MB) and if it tries to use any more than that it WILL crash with a memory allocation error.

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:10 pm
by fusk
ciaobaby wrote:
qbit is set to 2000mb, and i have 8gb installed. I rarely see qbit use more than 1.4gb, my total rarely hits more than 6gb used.
  qBT is a 32bit application and CANNOT address more than 2GiB of memory (~1800MB) and if it tries to use any more than that it WILL crash with a memory allocation error.
So having it set to 2048mb which is max, and it attempts to use that, it will always crash as those 2048mb doesn't include program memory usage ?

Re: qBit 3.1.9 exe runtime error

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:54 pm
by sledgehammer_999
Just got I/O error not enough space. qbit had about 1.3gb cache in use, and about 1.6gb used in taskmanager for a total of about 5.5gb used. But, it didn't crash.
Edit: Just had another one, it also survived, resumed torrent.
This is from less than a min before the I/O error.


Edit: Ok now it crashed, but not "runtime error" just exe stopped responding. Total qbit memory usage a little over 1.8gb

Which version did you use? The mingw or the patched one? If you used the mingw then go ahead and try the patched one.