Odd behavior in qBittorrent

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Odd behavior in qBittorrent

Post by gordow »

This started about two days ago, when i've got torrents d/ling , qbittorrent keeps showing "not responding" and then it disappears and seems fine for literally a few seconds then starts the "not responding" again.

Ive rebooted the computer and it starts doing it again, and if i shut the program down and restart the same thing starts to happen again.

This is with 3.1.9
Posts: 2444
Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:17 pm

Re: Odd behavior in qBittorrent

Post by sledgehammer_999 »

How many torrents do you have in your transferlist?
What is the max down speed you get?

Re: Odd behavior in qBittorrent

Post by gordow »

How many torrents do you have in your transferlist?
What is the max down speed you get?

i have only about 20 torrents transferring, but have had upwards of 50-70 different things in my list and never had this problem, couldn't really say what the max d/l speed is.

i don't think the problem is the numbers of d/l or the d/l speed, it seems to be the program itself. never had this problem with earlier releases. only had 3.1.9 for about a week installed

Re: Odd behavior in qBittorrent

Post by gordow »

Is there any suggestions on how to fix this? Could it be something to do with Bitdefender?  It doesn't make sense though as i've had BD on the system for over 6mths and this just started to happen in the last week.

It's almost like it freezes for a second or two then unfreezes itself. I can't scroll through the d/l's to see what's happening with them as i only have a brief window to click on them and have them open or scroll down.

I've gone back to 3.1.0 and the same thing happens. The only other thing i can think of is to either clear all the d/l's and start again or uninstall qBit totally and reinstall, though i don't want to do that as i've got some of these d/l's almost completed, though very slowly.
Posts: 2444
Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:17 pm

Re: Odd behavior in qBittorrent

Post by sledgehammer_999 »

I truly don't know what to suggest. You can try disabling BitDefender temporarily and seem if that helps.
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